In today's fast paced world most people are too busy to workout in a gym, with the rising cost of fuel it makes going to the gym more and more expensive. If you calculated the money you spent in a year with gym membership, fuel, wear & tear on your car it could easily be over 40,000 a year.
In the United Kingdom they have extended periods of rain throughout the year, also as winter creeps in they have fewer hours of daylight. Because of this running can prove to be difficult. With a treadmill machine you can run in the safety and comfort of your own home rain or shine.
You can purchase a reliable home use treadmill. This is fantastic news because a treadmill simulates walking, jogging or running which are the best forms of cardio vascular exercise.
Treadmill features to lok for
There are many different complex parts on a treadmill much more than cross trainers, rowing machines or exercise bikes. Outlined below are the most important features of a treadmill that you should be aware of.
click here for more information.